Freshlife’s Foundational Nutrients

Freshlife’s Foundational Nutrients

We prize the following nutrients as foundations of good health, because of the various integral roles they play in maintaining general health. Therefore, when seeking to restore health and balance in one specific area, we will always ask, “How well are you fulfilling your body’s requirements for these foundational nutrients?”

Multivitamin/Mineral Complex- Is a multivitamin/mineral complex really for me? The answer 9 times out of 10 is YES! Our outstanding quality multi-vitamin/mineral complexes provide essential B-Complex vitamins and vital trace minerals such as iodine, as well as a handful of antioxidants such as Vitamins A, E, and C and Zinc to highlight a few key nutrients. Consider a Multi-Vitamin/Mineral Complex to help ensure you are getting enough essential nutrients every day.

Vitamin D- How much Vitamin D3 do you need to supplement? We recommend getting your vitamin D levels checked by your doctor or healthcare practitioner to decide which dose is right for you. It’s estimated that nearly half the people in America are suffering from a Vitamin D deficiency! Because of that fact and the broad spectrum of functions and benefits for the human body including being highly preventive against many numerous major diseases, working to maintain bone health, mood and brain health and also immune system function.

Omega 3’s- Omega 3 essential fatty acids bestow a host of health benefits when consumed regularly including: reducing cholesterol, reducing inflammation in the joints, reducing the risk of blood clotting, improving heart health, brain function, and mood. Omega 3’s also help to improve the health of the eyes and cellular resilience, and assist with regulating sleep.

* Higher doses are needed for the first three months until the body reaches saturation. High doses may remain important if you are looking to help correct any of the previous conditions. For example, 4,000mg per day of Omega 3’s has been shown to reduce fatty liver.

Probiotics- Healthy bacteria are essential for proper absorption of nutrients and also provide an array of benefits including assistance in the production of vitamin B12 and vitamin K2, two common vitamin deficiencies. In addition, probiotics are foundational for: maintaining a strong, healthy immune system, and mood; keeping a healthy bacterial balance in the gut, thereby protecting your digestive tract from pathogens; reducing inflammatory response in the gut; maintaining a healthy weight; reducing allergies and some skin conditions. We offer a wide variety of carefully selected probiotics – speak to a Wellness Coach about which specific strains would be best for you. Freshlife probiotics use patented strains that are antibiotic and stomach-acid resistant.

Magnesium- This essential mineral is a necessary component in over 300 biochemical processes in the body including assistance in the functioning of the nervous and muscular system, including the heart. Magnesium plays a role in regulating blood sugar, blood pressure, and cardiac rhythm, and protecting against metabolic disease, as well as maintaining strong healthy bones and calcium/potassium balance to name a few of its broad reaching important benefits. Because magnesium plays a role in the metabolism of melatonin, it is double essential to get adequate magnesium intake when struggling with sleep.

*Try taking magnesium in divided doses and combining with food if stools become too loose, or try using topical forms.

Vitamin C- Got Antioxidants? You should, as they are like having a personal bodyguard (bouncing bad guys out the bad door) and repair guy (fixing all your broken stuff so it works again) all in one. The benefits to preventing and repairing oxidative damage cannot be overlooked! Vitamin C is one of the most common antioxidants with a long history of safe use. It protects and repairs so many of our body systems, including the cardiovascular system, and boosts and strengthens our immune system, eyes and skin. Vitamin C helps produce red blood cells and assists in the absorption of iron, which is needed for healthy blood cells as well. It also works to alleviate or prevent infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and protozoa.

Digestive Enzymes- Anyone suffering from any type of gastrointestinal distress or who is over age 40, this is for you! Enzymes are the catalysts for everything that happens in the body. Breaking down every individual piece of food and drink that goes into your mouth is no small chore, because every different food group requires a different type of enzyme. Supplementing with digestive enzymes not only improves your digestive capacity, which equals getting the good stuff where it’s needed and getting the toxic stuff out, but they also have the benefit of improving energy levels. This is due to the fact that it requires a substantial amount of energy to properly break down food. Oftentimes people mistake a lack of specific enzymes for different food sensitivities. Talk to a Wellness Coach about which digestive enzyme blend would be right for you, because after all, in the words of George Herbert, “A good digestion turneth all to health”.

Health Disclaimer: The information provided in this handout should not be construed as personal medical advice or instruction. It is intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat any disease. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this handout. Readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. For more information or recommendations tailored to your specific needs, please schedule a Nutritional Consultation with a Freshlife Wellness Coach.

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Our Capacity to Broadcast Love

All people have the capacity to love, but few of us understand the benefits of intentionally radiating love into our environment.

There are many personal and collective benefits from intentionally radiating love. Here are a few:

The practice of sending love helps to quiet the overactive mind and emotions, which increases our ability to handle the elevated stress on the planet. Increasing love and compassion automatically streams more patience, resilience and flow into our interactions. This helps to clear clouded discernment and heightens our reasoning capacity.

With the polarizing politics going on in many countries and the global resurgence of the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s more important than ever to broadcast love, compassion and calm into the global energetic field.

Love is the core heart frequency that unifies and lifts people’s perceptions above separation. When our heart, mind and emotions are in alignment and not in conflict with each other, this makes it easier to sense our intuitive heart’s direction for effective choices and guidance.

Radiating love has a cumulative effect that helps us increase our initiative to act on important intentions and commitments that are challenging to get started or follow through with.

The practice of intentionally sending love will create an automatic tendency to precede with interactions from a more loving spirit, resulting in more harmony and less stress in our relationships. Sending love also helps to soften the energetic field around us, making it easier for others to access their hearts and experience deeper resonance and genuine connection.

The impact of collective heart power in the world is still in its early stages – yet it’s on the rise now due to the increase of stress and the desperate need for solutions that the mind can’t deliver without the heart. We are running out of ways to find happiness and peace without opening our hearts in order to get along with each other through kindness, cooperation and a respect for our cultural differences. This is a job for love that can’t be substituted.

Many of us understand this, but remembering to practice sending love is what can make all the difference.

Suggested Practice:

Let’s make a commitment to broadcast or radiate love for a minute or two during and in between daily activities and whenever we think of it. Breathe in and radiate love wherever and whenever you think of it: while shopping, when you’re on the phone, watching the news, with family or friends, before and during meetings, while driving or while walking somewhere. Let’s do this for a week or longer to reset our system with increased resilience, clearer thinking and more effective choices.

As we practice broadcasting love, we may not always feel the love. The feeling modulates at times, but that’s okay. It is our sincere intent that eventually increases our level of effectiveness and sets up a baseline for radiating love to become more automatic.

Suggested Steps for Broadcasting Love

  1. Focus on your heart and breathe in the feeling of love or appreciation that you have for someone or something you care about. This increases the effectiveness of your heart intention.

  2. Now feel your heart connecting with others across the planet who are sending love and compassion into the energetic field to help raise the heart vibration of humanity and reduce the collective stress.

  3. Radiate love and compassion with the intention to help ease the suffering that so many are experiencing, and to heal the separations, judgments and divisiveness that are creating global waves of stress, anxiety and uncertainty. As you practice broadcasting love, feel that you are contributing to the highest, best outcome for all.

  4. Now make a commitment to broadcast or radiate love during and in between activities or, as often as you can remember, to people, situations or issues that you care about.

Appreciate the benefits that you notice from doing this simple yet effective practice.

Please go here to read the rest of the article and to comment:

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Boost Immunity While Getting Back Out There

Boost Immunity While Getting Back Out There

As we return to a pseudo-normal lifestyle, going back to work, church, schools, gyms and restaurants, we increase our risk of exposure to the flu and other viruses. There are many steps you can take to prevent the flu from multiplying and taking hold.

1. Eat Well

Sugar tanks your immune system, and you can see that as our whole country gets sick throughout Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

If you are craving something sweet, make a good choice, such as a small square of dark chocolate or sparkling water with a splash of juice.

If you’re headed to a party, eat beforehand or bring a healthy dish for sharing.

There are also lots of options for yummy ‘treats’ for these holidays, such as nut-based power balls and healthy hot cocoa made with collagen powder and almond milk.

Besides avoiding sugar, aim for 6-8 servings of fruits and vegetables a day in all colors of the rainbow. A ‘cheat’ is to use a greens powder alone or in a smoothie. Drink plenty of filtered water and choose organic, wild and grass fed whenever you can.

2. Get Exercise

Exercise has so many benefits, and boosting immunity is one of them. It also helps move lymph, and when that’s moving, your immune system can communicate better.

If you can get outdoors to exercise, that’s even better. You’ll get a little vitamin D (although not enough in the winter in most US latitudes), fresh air, and the calming effect of being in nature.

Any exercise is good exercise, so if you only have the energy for a 10-minute walk, great! Ideally, though, do a variety of movements. Some options include living room dance parties, YouTube ab workouts, jumping rope or jumping on a trampoline, biking, and yoga.

3. Use the Sunlighten Sauna at Freshlife

You’ll feel great after using the Sunglighten Far Infrared Sauna at Freshlife. Stress reduction and improved sleep are just two of the benefits. 

You’ll also detoxify and repair or eliminate damaged cells. This creates a cleaner environment in which your immune system can better function.

Raising core body temperature is key. Although Sunlighten saunas heat you up differently than a fever, the increased body temperature provides the same benefits, including white blood cell and T-cell production to ward off viruses. Sunlighten saunas are the only ones to have been proven to raise core body temperature by 3 degrees. This not only helps fight off any viruses already potentially lurking in your system, but also boosts your immune system to be able to continue to fight them off.

4. Take Your Basic Supplements

Thanks to stress, environmental toxins, declining nutrition in food and more, it’s next to impossible to get all your nutrients from diet alone. Especially as you move into flu season, please be sure you are taking high-quality supplements so that your immune system has all it needs to function correctly. Send an email to to request a copy of Freshlife’s Foundational Nutrients or visit the store to speak with one of our Wellness Coaches about which supplements may be right for you.

5. Do Some Extras

Doing the above will go a long way, but it is COVID / flu season, so why not get some extra protection going on?

We are big advocates for daily detox and DIY detox. We are living in a strange world these days, with EMF, chemical toxins, global pandemics, wildfires – you name it.

Take extra special care of your liver, a key organ of detoxification, which does the following:

  • Produces acute immune proteins

  • Kills antigen particles

  • Clears waste particles

  • Produces local inflammation

  • Deletes activated T cells

  • Induces tolerance to ingested and self-antigens

Add these practices that support the liver or direct immunity for an added boost:

  • Epsom salt baths

  • Dry skin brushing

  • Green drinks

  • Ginger turmeric tea

  • Bone broth

  • Nasal wash

  • Sovereign Silver throat spray

 Steps for Once You Are Sick

The truth is that you will likely get sick with something in the next 9 months while COVID is kicking around. Until you get a diagnosis, it’s important to act as if and be proactive.

Continue the above and:

  • See the comprehensive Freshlife Wellness Tips for Cold and Flu here

  • Stay home – don’t go to work or run errands

  • Avoid other people in the home

  • Get tested quickly

  • Keep the house clean with non-toxic cleaners 

  • Run essential oil diffusers to clean the air (lemon, tea tree, orange and clove are ideas)

  • If you have a home sauna, use it daily if possible

  • Use a castor oil pack daily

  • Do a coffee enema daily if you are up for it

  • Drink lots of fluids

  • Avoid any sugars or processed foods

  • Do partial fasting if it feels ok

  • Use a nasal wash daily

  • Use a steam inhaler with ½ tsp colloidal silver added for any lung symptoms

  • Get more sleep as needed

Visit Freshlife or Call to speak with a Wellness Coach about what options might be best for you. Immunity is in your control more than you might think, so be proactive with your immune boosting this winter and feel more confident about your health!

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Wellness Tips for Allergies

Wellness Tips for Allergies

Foundational Nutrients

Please see our list of Foundational Nutrients for general health.

Freshlife Buffered Vitamin C Crystals- Boost your resilience to allergens with Vitamin C! Vitamin C not only helps to clear allergens from your system but also provides anti-histamine relief. If you suffer from allergies, it’s time to boost up your daily dosage. We recommend titrating to your bowel tolerance. That means take 1000mg every hour until you get a bowel flush. At that time you will know that you have saturated your system. Keep track of the amount you took to reach saturation and take that dose daily.

Quercetin- Quercetin is a bioflavonoid or plant derived nutrient. We like to think of bioflavonoids as Vitamin C’s cousins. Together they are a powerful support system for your health. Quercetin has antioxidant properties similar to those of Vitamin C, and even works with Vitamin C to boost immune system function. Quercetin is definitely the big cousin you want to bring along to the fight against allergies. It not only helps with reducing inflammation, but like Vitamin C it reduces the body’s histamine response as well!

Freshlife MSM- Methylsulfonylmethane, known as MSM, is a form of sulfur, a mineral found in every cell in the body. It is abundant in connective tissue and most commonly used to treat joint pain and degeneration. Did you know that MSM is also a powerful weapon in the fight against allergies? Because MSM is also a great cellular detoxifier, it helps the cells expel different kinds of toxins, including heavy metals, free radicals, and allergens. It can also reduce side effects of elevated histamine by reducing inflammation. 2,000-6,000mg per day is the amount usually needed to see a reduction in symptoms. If you experience gastrointestinal upsets or loose stool, it may be a result of the detoxification process – simply reduce to a tolerable dosage until symptoms ease. Over time you can gradually increase the dosage.

Freshlife Bromelain- Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme that works to relieve inflammation and swelling. It is most commonly used to alleviate pain and help rid the body of excess protein buildup (ie scar tissue). It is also helpful in ridding the body of excess mucus. Take on an empty stomach for best results.

  • Please note that Bromelain is derived from pineapple stems, so if you are allergic to pineapple, it is possible to have an allergic reaction from Bromelain as well.

Freshlife Suprema Dophilus- It is worth mentioning that many of our customers have noticed reduced allergy symptoms over the years due to the introduction of a probiotic. Many researchers have taken notice of this as well, but are still unsure what exact strains or actions account for this phenomenon. This 5 billion multi-strain daily probiotic helps to boost immune defenses which may account for why people are noticing improvements. If you don’t take a daily probiotic, it might be worth seeing if it will help with reducing your symptoms.

Natures Allergy Remedies

Freshlife Aller-7 Support- If you read the foundational nutrients above and said to yourself “I want to take all of those!”, first of all, you would be wise. Secondly, you can get the top four, and then some, in our very own Aller-7 Support formula! This has been a long time customer favorite. We prefer the daily dosage of 3/day year round because the value of this super antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine blend to your all around health is immeasurable! Besides, we know allergy symptoms are often caused by a lack of these important nutrients. But if you missed that boat, and allergy season is already upon you, simply double or triple the dose to bowel tolerance until relief is achieved. After your symptoms have subsided consistently for two weeks, you may begin decreasing the dosage to the lowest necessary to maintain results. Your clear eyes and dry nose will thank us:)

Freshlife Nettle- Yes that’s right, your enemy when you brush up against it in your shorts on the trail, is your friend when it comes to reducing allergies! In fact, this is one of our favorite herbs because of it’s impressive profile of minerals and antioxidants. It is a great support for anyone concerned with malnourishment, bone density, or nervous system disorders. But nettle doesn’t stop there, it also provides anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory relief as well…now that’s nothing to sniff at!

Mega Quercetin- Mega Quercetin combines bromelain, Vitamin C, and of course quercetin all in one easy to swallow capsule. Again depending on your individual health factors you may need to add several thousand milligrams of Vitamin C, or MSM to your regimen to achieve results.

Aller-Ease- Get fast results with this high potency liquid formula! If your allergies are getting you down, Aller-Ease will pick you up! This remedy is just what the doctor ordered when you need fast relief! It can be used daily for those with several or severe allergies, or as a jump start to the allergy season. Many of our customers will use this great formula to get a handle on their symptoms and continue through the rest of the season with one or more of the previous remedies for convenience.

Homeopathic Remedies- Allergy Relief is our most popular homeopathic remedy for unidentified allergies. Safe and easy to take, this is a great formula for those who have trouble swallowing pills. Also look for our line of liquid homeopathic remedies for specific allergies. These simple remedies need to be taken frequently is small dosages for maximum effectiveness.

Diet and Lifestyle

If you haven’t already, it is very helpful to identify and seek to reduce your exposure to allergens when possible until your system is strong enough to handle them without having a reaction. For example, if you have pets you are allergic to and are unwilling to seek a new home for them, take them to a groomer regularly, and hire a house cleaner to help keep dander to a minimum. We also recommend keeping such pets out of the room you sleep in. If you are allergic to grass, hire someone else to mow your lawn or seek to replant your lawn in non-allergenic species of grasses.

  • Include local honey in your diet, the pollens in local honey have shown to increase resistance to seasonal allergies; we think that’s a pretty sweet deal!

  • Eat a diet rich in antioxidants, whole foods, and plenty of water.

  • Get adequate sleep every night.

  • Exercise regularly.

  • Reduce stress.

  • Get an air purifier, or add plants to your home as they are nature’s air purifiers.

  • Wash clothes, and bedding regularly, keep couches and chairs vacuumed.

  • Replace carpet with hard flooring.

  • Stay indoors and keep windows closed on high pollen days.

Health Disclaimer: The information provided in this handout should not be construed as personal medical advice or instruction. It is intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat any disease. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this handout. Readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. For more information or recommendations tailored to your specific needs, please schedule a Nutritional Consultation with a Freshlife Wellness Coach.

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Staying Resilient During Covid-19


When you use an infrared sauna, infrared waves gently warm your skin and body. This not only stimulates beneficial sweating, but also slightly raises your core body temperature.

This gentle hyperthermia, researchers believe, is responsible for the mood-boosting effects observed from sauna therapy. With this in mind, let’s look at two studies on infrared sauna therapy for depression.

The first, published in JAMA (a super prestigious journal) in 2016, found that one session of near infrared sauna therapy reduced symptoms of mild to moderate depression compared to placebo for over six weeks.[1] Six weeks of improvement with just one session!

By the way, this was a randomized placebo-controlled study, the gold standard of science. What was the placebo treatment, you ask? An identical-looking sauna device, sans infrared rays.

Another group of researchers tested more frequent infrared therapy—20 half hour sessions over four weeks—in mildly depressed people. After the four weeks were up, the infrared group was feeling more relaxed, and they had a keener edge to their appetites.[2]

Infrared sauna therapy can also be useful in combating stress. Research has shown, for example, that sauna therapy can lead to reductions in cortisol, your “stress hormone”.[3]

This stress relief benefit is usually what Sunlighten customers rave about the most – oftentimes it’s the bonus they discover when using the sauna for detox or pain relief or some other therapeutic reason. Click here to learn more about Freshlife Sauna Sessions and request an appointment. To learn more about the health benefits, including benefits on the immune system, you can go to Sunlighten infrared therapy.


1. Whole-Body Hyperthermia for the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder: A Randomized Clinical Trial, JAMA Psychiatry

2. Repeated Thermal Therapy Diminishes Appetite Loss and Subjective Complaints in Mildly Depressed Patients, Psychosomatic Medicine

3. Effects of far-infrared sauna bathing on recovery from strength and endurance training sessions in men, Springerplus

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Terry Talks Nutrition and EuroPharma

We are seeing a huge spike in cases across the country. Therefore, more efforts are put into protecting Americans against contracting viral infection until a vaccine or drug can be developed to protect us from the virus, which may or may not work. But, a healthy immune system really does work to prevent sickness and death from bacterial and viral infection and the ensuing inflammation that is so destructive to the body tissues, and in this case, the lungs.

A vaccine provides artificial immunity to protect against a specific viral infection, whereas the natural, human immune system can provide immunity to all kinds of infections.

We have all been advised to avoid large crowds, wash our hands, wear a face mask, stay a minimum of 6 feet from others, and all the other usual precautionary measures. While these measures are all excellent, not at any time has the subject of a healthy diet been advised or discussed to increase the health of the immune system and, therefore, reduce the risk of contracting the virus and preventing inflammation. Inflammation is the root cause of 98% of all disease.

The American diet, of refined, processed, fast foods, high in sugar, carbohydrates, and cheap vegetable oils, constantly maintains a consistent level of inflammation in the body. We are a nation of inflammation!

****Changing our diet and maintaining a more healthy lifestyle will increase our resistance to all diseases including infection and inflammation. (Nutritional Consultations with a Freshlife Wellness Coach are now available, in person with proper social distancing or virtually if you prefer.)

We have survived for millions of years without drugs and vaccines. A healthy and nutritious diet will, over time, build a healthy body with a greater resistance to all disease.

We can also add plant medicinal extracts to our daily regimen that are known anti-inflammatories. The most studied plant with over 15,000 studies for a variety of health conditions is curcumin. You can find a number of studies regarding curcumin BCM-95 on, a scientific website. These studies indicate the effectiveness of curcumin BCM-95 as a very effective anti-inflammatory, possibly as effective as many drugs. Controlling the inflammation and supporting the immune system may significantly reduce your risk of contracting a viral infection. If you decide you are a candidate for the vaccine, you can also add the curcumin which is not counter-productive while accepting the prescription for the vaccine.
Recent news used with permission from Terry Lemerond of Terry Naturally and EuroPharma

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